The Countryside Leader Award
Expedition Leadership
Bronze and Silver DofE

Countryside Leader Award

Please contact one of our providers direct.

The Countryside Leader Award (CLA) is for adults who wish to lead walks and camping expeditions in non-remote, lowland countryside.

Many types of walk and camping trip fall within the scope of the CLA. If you would like to use it for DofE expeditions, the scope corresponds with the recommended bronze and silver expedition terrain.

Our entry requirements allow us to recognise your prior experience, and the course is designed with this in mind.

Download a summary flyer about the CLA here


The Outdoor Education Advisers Panel (OEAP) endorses the CLA as a measure of competence.

The Adventure Activities Licensing Service (AALS) inspected and recognised the award in 2013.

Please see our endorsement page for more information

Note to employers:

The CLA includes practical assessment of technical competence, and assessment of leadership skills through scenarios and discussion. The competence and suitability of a CLA holder to work in any given role are matters of judgement for both the employer and the award holder themselves.


We are a Community Interest (non-profit) Company. Aiming to improve access to the outdoors, we provide a simple process by which leaders can gain and demonstrate competence leading groups in the countryside. Our fees cover quality assurance, development and administration.

More on our not-for-profit status (pdf)

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